Nothing but the initial automated response (and a followup request for feedback on "how did we do"). I did as you said, waited and then replied to the initial bot response saying i still needed assistance. My issue happened a week ago now! And nothing. Ah well.....
really? A bot response to my email? se? There is no way I could have predicted or prevented the game from updating when it did. Gold bars are hard to come by and I was robbed of them
As if we don’t have enough to deal with in these times, King sucks the fun out of the game for us, too. Today I lost the five level build a bot that worked on old levels but “gained” the four level build a bot that only works if win new levels. That’s pretty much it for me. And I’ve been a loyal player, at level 6866.…
I am not seeing any improvements to make up for what was taken away. Trying to pass new levels (in the 5600s (or at any level)) without the helpful boosters from Build-a-Bot is nothing but an exercise in frustration and a waste of time.
I have NO sugar drops AND NO Build-a-Bot. Why is King tweaking this game now? Sucked all the fun out. Chocolate box and free lives for a week do not compensate. I realize we have more earth-shaking things to worry about, but why add to that?