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Penny_Filson Level 2


  • If you fail a level before you end, go off line then exit the game. You don’t lose any build a bot parts! They’ll all be there when you start back up. I stay offline when I play these higher impossible levels until I pass one. I don’t get to spin the wheel but still get daily boosters. 
  • I discovered an invaluable tip while offline on a flight last week. If you have a build a bot bonus and you fail the level, exit the game. When you come back you will still have the bonus. As long as you stay offline and exit instead of hitting the end game the bonus will remain.
  • I finally figured it out. I read to fix the problem I needed to open Facebook and launch a Candy Crush game from inside Facebook. Then I was supposed to open the Windows 10 Candy Crush app and log in using my Facebook acct and my account would sync. Been getting the "Connecting to Facebook Cancelled" for a week. For those…

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