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Playa' Level 2


  • Does anyone else feel Candy Royale is just a way to take one of your lives so hopefully you will spend more money to buy extra lives? How often do you actually reach the end and get gold bars? Almost never!!! Bring back the option to opt out of this sub game!
  • Another update and still being forced to play the stupid candy Royale. Please make it stop! 81 pages just on this post. Please listen to your customers!
  • have you been hacked? What is the issue with Candy Crush? All of a sudden there are a bunch of striped candies that don’t act together. Some blank squares show up and you can’t even tell,what they do. Actually not a single thing acts as it should or combines into what it should. What is up?
  • Another update and still no option to escape Candy Royale. 😩
  • This getting out of control. Now not only am I forced to play the stupid and annoying Candy Royale but the start-up page isn’t working right. No update or response from King. When is this going to stop?!?
  • Another update done and still no resolution to this candy royale issue. I don’t want to play! Please return the “x” or the ability to opt out.
  • I cannot stand playing Candy Royale. I was hoping the update I did yesterday would fix the not being able to opt out but it didn’t. I DO NOT want to be forced to play this. It’s a waste of lives and time. Please bring back the option to opt out or get rid of it all together. So frustrating every time it pops up. I will not…
  • Same thing happening on Level 1257
    in 1645 Comment by Playa' July 2016

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?