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Soopra Level 2


  • Agreed. Feel so strongly I've quit playing. I spend about £5 or so a week on power ups. Not any more. Switch it back to landscape and I'll start playing (and paying) again
  • Why can't we have Landscape on an iPad? When I think of all the money I've spent playing this game over the years and now I can't play and enjoy the game in my preferred layout? Where's my refund please?
  • Hi there, sorry for the delay in responding. Are you still having this issue? Do you still need help? Unfortunately, even though you don't like these events, a lot of players look forward to them. Can you just click on the "x" to not play it? You click that you don't want to take part but it doesn't actually do anything…
    in Mini Games Comment by Soopra April 2018
  • I got so fed up I've stopped playing. That also means I've stopped paying... I used to regularly buy gold bars and power ups...
    in Mini Games Comment by Soopra April 2018

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