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barbim71 Level 2


  • still waiting for the issue of not receiving lives from friends through facebook. has 1 day this week where i did get some lives and i thought it was fixed, but now it's happening again. please get this fixed, and why can't we hold more than 8 lives, will there ever be an increase in the future?
  • let me clarify my previous post, i am still not receiving lives from friends on facebook, this has nothing to do with playing on my phone, so telling to update my app or logout and log back in on my device DOES NOT help me.
  • Thanks @rajdeeptb this has been resolved for days now
  • O.K i just got a reply to this same issue on their facebook page and here is what they said.... We'll make sure your feedback gets passed on to the team but we cannot guarantee that changes will be made. i copied and pasted so you can see the unacceptable response they posted.

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