I’ve seen a lot of bots with similar dubious statistics. I suspect the root issue is a decline in popularity. It’s always been suspicious that Candy Crush always has enough players available for a level race or a weekly race. I suspect they believe the bots will encourage people to spend more time on the game. But in my…
”Everything we do is about making our games even better and more enjoyable for you.” That’s the most dishonest statement I’ve read here in a long time. Candy Crush only cares about money and sacrifices the quality of gameplay every chance they get.
I’ve found that there tend to be certain times of the day where the game is more generous. If you’re a night owl, for example, playing after midnight often gives the best ad and booster support. The game tends to hold ads back during weekends and peak playing hours (afternoons and early evenings). Also, it helps to quit…
My #1 suggestion (and this goes for ALL game features imposed on us) is that if you’re forcing us to participate in a feature we can’t opt out of, you MUST pause any timed boosters we have running. For example, let’s say I have a 15 minute stripe/wrap booster. Then Dice of Destiny pops up, forces me to go through its…
It’s not just through Facebook. I have no events while playing exclusively through the app on iPhone. It sucks, because me and another player were in a heated race for first place. Both of us had passed over a hundred levels as of yesterday, with me up by one. Now that’s gone.