Yes, this level is another have for players following behind. The video shows a school of fish once you have deployed a stripe/wrap combo. However, you only get three fish for that now. Interestingly, I had pretty much the same luck as in one of the videos, which got the player out and yet I didn't even clear one pie. I am…
Thanks Mercerik. I wish this was more the rule and not the exception. More and more the comments I am reading on videos are filled with venting CC players wishing for 'lucky boards' and threatening to leave!
Yes, thanks for the suggestion. That site is already my go-to. I visit there for most of the levels. A lot of the levels are a lot harder than the originals, which this site does address, but it is a hard slog these days.
Did you get through this level. At just 18 moves, you cannot generate enough chocolate. I have been at this for so long but not come close. I actually think it is not possible.