All the luck in the world will not let you complete level 8. You are forgetting you also need to hatch 17 baby dragons in addition to 32 firecrackers and 16 flowers with only 16 moves. Pointless to even play this board.
I don't have this but from the example it looks like it takes away your choice of which candy you want the colour bomb to eliminate. That would be detrimental to actual game play.
I get a connection error on gold bar levels in Top that game. It has happened twice in 24 hours. Missed out on 25 and 50 gold bars. All other rewards received with no problem. Please fix this as I have been shortchanged 75 bars so far and apparently am not the only one.
I see the screen animation effects has been an issue for over a year with no remedy. This effects give me headaches and motion sickness. There needs to be a way to turn them off as they are causing health problems for some players. When can we expect a resolution?????
I am having the same issue. I have cleared cache, restarted phone. I am logged in to my account. I am still getting the message that there is a connection issue so can't get my rewards.
I am getting message in game that I am not online and will get rewards when I am back online. Yet here I am online joining this discussion. I have stable 5G wifi and am connected. I do not get this message on my other device, same wifi service. 🤔🤔🤔