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progresslost Level 2


  • The complaint has being going on for at least a year. Has King ever bothered to respond after the initial generic post? Games like Candy crush are meant to pass the time and be fun, not take all your time and annoy you.. I don’t need races, friends, season passes but most of all I don’t WANT Candy Royale. Other people want…
  • I just found this thread and couldn’t believe the date that King first replied to it as I knew we still can’t opt out. That is atrocious customer service. I just want to play Candy Crush for a few minutes to kill time. I have no interest in Candy Royale, Friends or any of the annoying pop ups. I don’t even watch ads to…
  • Also the look of the levels is different to what it was before I deleted. I really should have have joined here before deleting it.
  • Thank you. That is a pain but my fault. How do I get back ingredients mixer? And the other winter season events? Also, the winter season picture no longer appears when I start the app.

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