Hi @PummyRaj, I am delighted to let you know that my issue has been resolved. Thank you for all the help and efforts. Please extend my best regards to the support people involved. 🍬🍬🍬🍬🍬
@PummyRaj the problem has not been resolved. I was mentioning the ticket was marked closed without any response. Please escalate from your end if you can.
@PummyRaj Sure, I will follow the mentioned steps. Though I had raised earlier ticket in same way. Hopin that the new ticket get answered. Is there any one from the support on the community whom we can tag to get the attention on the issue? The ticket this time is 13505906.
Sure @PummyRaj, thankyou for the help. I had raised a ticket with them 13501984. If you could pass this as well. This ticket Id has more information with email id that I want to be corrected. For some reason this ticket has been closed without providing any information.
@PummyRaj that did not help as my account is connected to kings account, however I do not remember password and unable to reset the password as I don't have access to email address. If someone can correct email address on my user account, that will help