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Level 2


  • This is a bummer. I'm stuck on 15955. Same problem, not enough gold or boosters. Been playing forever like you. I'm seeing more and more levels like this You have confirmed there are more to come. I'm giving 15955 another week then calling it quits for good. I'll miss it but lately it's turned from enjoyable to…
  • Agreed, just posted about this. First level that appears to be "pay-to-play". I would also second your motion and challenge King to post a video with no extra moves or boosters.
  • Same with me, I have minimal boosters and not enough gold bars at the end to buy more moves. The post above had success but used a gazillion boosters in the process. 23 moves is not even close to fair. I've been playing for years and this appears to be the first "pay-to-play" level which is unfortunate considering the…
    in HELP. Comment by scottyboy August 2024
  • Thanks for posting, however you used 10 gold bars to buy 75 extra moves. I have no gold bars.
    in 15919 Comment by scottyboy August 2024
  • Hi!!! This level appears to have a glitch, on the bottom, once cleared, the black licorice continues to endlessly fall forcing player to quit level. Help???

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