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Level 2

  • Re: Level 15925 is impossible to win

    Agreed, just posted about this. First level that appears to be "pay-to-play". I would also second your motion and challenge King to post a video with no extra moves or boosters.
  • Re: Level 16,105

    This is a bummer. I'm stuck on 15955. Same problem, not enough gold or boosters. Been playing forever like you. I'm seeing more and more levels like this You have confirmed there are more to come. I'…
  • Re: 15919

    Thanks for posting, however you used 10 gold bars to buy 75 extra moves. I have no gold bars.
  • 15919

    For real guys. This level simply cannot be done without buying gold bars. I've been playing for 6+ years. I'm old. I'm broke. Throw me a bone already. Pllleeeaaase?!?

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