They could give us back the videos but they choose not to. When you contact them, they don't care. They just want you to spend money. Do not buy gold bars or you will loose all the extras, videos.
They don't offer sensible replies. They lie to you, telling you that the videos are just a test and that not everyone receives them, which is not true, ALL my friends who have not purchased gold bars etc still receive the videos
Not just on mobile. And, without a booster or the video for an extra move at the end, impossible to pass some levels. They just want you to buy. Don't buy or you will loose your free videos like I did.
Same thing happened to me!!!! They scam you. Not fair. All my friends still have the videos but since I bought gold, that same day, they removed my videos. Not enough moves offered to pass hard levels. Game no longer fun when you can't pass levels. They just want you to continue to buy. They will not return the videos to…