Candy Crush Saga

Candy Crush Saga

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  • Oh for sure, it only exists to try and get you to spend money, which is fine. But there are lots of ways to monetize a free game besides blocking you from progressing and trying to get you to buy coins. But I guess since I don’t spend, they’re not missing anything by people like me quitting.
  • I won’t make it to the 10,000’s unfortunately. This post was prob my last ditch effort at not quitting this game. When the fun ends, prob time. :(
  • From what I can tell, people have been asking king to change the lives feature for a very long time to allow you control over stopping or blocking these “serial requesters”, I don’t think they have any interest in fixing it. but if you message support and ask them to remove a player from your game, the issue will stop and…
  • I sent a message to support asking them to remove the person who kept sending me many many requests from my game. All the messages in my inbox disappeared and I haven’t had a request from them since. Highly recommend!
  • Dozens of requests from one random player is spam, to those receiving it. There is no way to stop it from happening if you’re playing through king. I was told to contact support to have someone removed from my game who is doing this to me as well. I haven’t heard anything back from support and I can still see the player in…
  • I play through king, nothing to do with Facebook. Even if I had the option to turn off the requesting lives feature I would.
  • I’d even be happy if they gave us the option to turn off requesting lives. I don’t request lives anymore because I see how spammers abuse it.
  • This seems to be a very common complaint, with no action. I came here to post similar but the option to block or delete certain players from your game in the app has already been requested so many times, why no change king? Even never responding to these life bombers doesn’t make them go away.
  • l’d prefer not to have dozens of daily requests from someone who never reciprocates. It’s annoying and not fun. Take care.
  • Thanks for the suggestion, but I’m sure this will just encourage the person to continue to send requests. I’ll just keep my fingers crossed that the app adds an option to block certain players at some point. Thank you!
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