Level 7895
How do I get trough this level,how many money do I have to spend for this level 7895?
New friends
Everytime I get "new friends" I got "friends" enough I want it to stop!!! When I toke the last two "friends" they only ask lives not give,they give nothing,how get I them away,I want them off my list of " friends" because they are not.
When do the icecream going to work,I got 6 played 1 time 1 icecream and now they don`twork anymore. I see the icecream truck trying to take one but its not worling.
I "baked" 3of the four cakes,I see the gold price but I get nothing,the quest has ended,I should get 50 gold
I have blocked people also on Candy Crush and suddenly they are back,I don`t want them in my game on facebook or where ever. Also the weekly game that counts the level you play,I see people that don`t even are my friends who can I get them out of my game???
Can the "choose friends" stop,all the friends that want already accepted and its every time I play and I can not remove it so that it doesn`t come up
Stop met "choose friends" in het spel,ik wil dat niet en iedereen die candy speelt heb ik allang ik wil dat beeld niet meer zien midden in mijn spel
how do I stop the friends invites