Weekly contest
You guys have to address this issue on priority. In the weekly contest I'm paired against bots probably ( ref attached screenshots) Can you explain how do I even win or be in the first 3 playing against bots / players starting from Level 1 against the level I'm playing on ie 17800 plus.!! Money / time/ gold bars all going…
Level 14924
You ruined all my progress.. Lost candy Royale atleast 100 gold bars and plus all the boosters which are earned while starting a level. Why would you make such a level where it says no more possible switches. Do you have brain fade while making levels? Absolutely ridiculous and shameless attitude. Loosers
Level 12364
Do something about this level. I've played this level 105 times, 30 lives daily quota plus 5 lives which you get.. Without gold bars this level is impossible and I don't want to feed your greed any further by purchasing the gold bars. Your illogical pricing deters 1 from buying anything.. After years feel like deleting the…
Fancy feast
Why's my fancy feast not showing in events? For the first 2 days it was there suddenly not there anymore?
Level 11329
King has lost it.. Peeps raise your hands if this level is easy... This level should be scrapped.. Insane
Level 11224, level 11222
Hello oo.. Please let me know what the developer was smoking while marking these 2 levels as easy... Good stuff I assume
Level 10714, king is making sure people who do not have boosters or gold bars quit the game.. Keep it up king, kudos Have been stuck on this irritating level with no gold bars for 7 days Keep stressing us 👏👏
Fast 5
Why is the fast 5 not showing in the events. Till yesterday they were there, suddenly not showing anymore. I just finished 15 levels and no gold bars as the event not showing.
Weekly contest
Why am I competing with people whom in not friends with online or offline? What's the point of this contest when it says compete with friends? Duh king...!
Level 10144
How does one finish this level? I have 21 moves and it seems impossible. Tutorials have 32 moves with a different board and obstacles. Wtf is this?