Is this player "You Lose" is REAL ?
How in some hours this player got more than 4 milions in score with less than 140 levels concluded ???? Please check, seems same strange, or explain how is it possible? How the way??? Seems a problem or all is fake... IS NOT FAIR !
Is this player "You Lose" real ou fake??
How in some hours this player got more than 4 milions in score with less than 140 levels concluded ???? Please check, seems same strange, or explain how is it possible? How the way??? Seems a problem or all is fake... IS NOT FAIR !
Support app store no connection
After upgrade new version, all the time is trying connecting the app store!!! Crasy 🤪🤪🤪🤪.. where is my relax game?? Kkkk
Id gamer
Where can I find the ID gamer ?
Lost my progress
I was desperate because my store doesn't work, I uninstall the app, e when came back, I lost my progress... probably a problem between facebooj vs app, didn't save me level.. I was 1919, and now 640.. and the worst, I lost the All Star score, I'm contating support, I hope they recover for me… i want to dispute the final
All stars
Hello all, I'd like to know if there is any balance among levels? In my group the 1st place is 689 level, and I: 1800! Each level there is more dificulties, and practily I stopped, is not easy!! Today I think, should I started new account for this challenge? and you: what you think??
My rewards
In this last Tiffy event, I completed the last stage at night, and now, I csme back to get my rewards, and the event iconsimply disappeared!!! It is sad, I want my rewards!!
Edited by CM: Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand!
Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand! Check out our House Rules!