I want to move on🙏
Nouvelle équipe
Bonjour. Je t'invite dans mon équipe de Candy Crush Soda Saga. Rejoins-nous et ensemble, nous gagnerons des récompenses exquises ! Joueurs actifs c'est le nom de l'équipe.
I need more hearts "lives" to play this game ASAP I'm addicted to this game
Im not able to purchase anything when I click on a bundle ot just freezes
My game stop
I want to continue playing this game candy crush soda but i cant go on and no update. Is this game not free anymore?
les vies !
bonjour , je n' arrive plus a donner des vies , ni d' en recevoir , comment faire ! merci .
Gold bar winners
Hi @Pitty_Kitty I was just wondering who won the gold bars on this contest can-you-find-the-pot-of-gold
Levelled up
Ok not sure if I've already posted this because I posted it in the wrong game Bubble witch I think it was oops even though I don't play that, I did think I was posting on ccs any way I finally levelled up to 6000 😊 just wanted to share with you all, happy gaming everyone 🥰
no more ads
There was a time that you could watch videos to get extra moves and boosters,that was really helpful now that option is gone . Now to get somewhere you need to buy boosters with real money. I for one will never put money in a game. What is the point all I get is boosters wich I gone quickly so no value for money. If this…
Levelled up
Levelled up to 6000 so happy to have finally got there, 😊 just wanted to share with you all 🥰