Δυσκολία πιστας 9292
Δεν έχω βοήθεια και δυσκολεύομαι να την τελειώσω. Γενικά έχουν δυσκολέψει πολύ οι πίστες.
🏆🏒 Soda Cup Aurora - Qualifiers Discussion!
A new year with new opportunities, and a new Soda Cup! This time the Soda Bears are back with their hockey sticks and ready for competition, how about you? Will you aim for the win? 🏒🥅 In this thread we share our progress in the cup, cheer on others, and raise the spirits as we compete together for the 200 Gold Bar prize!…
Missing items
I am looking for a game that allows discussions since this one took our chatting away. Let me know team!! We can jump over. I feel left out now. No more encouraging each other.
Unbelievable 😱
I just checked my mother's soda game and i found this: Who ever got this 100+ hours of infinite lives without purchasing?
How to get a rewards on 5000 level
Looking for my teammate
I am trying to connect with Deb from team 684443555. Since they removed the ability to chat in the "bake a cake" game, Debora and I would like to make contact with you on Facebook or messenger. My last name is …. Please find me! *Edited by CM:⛔️ That’s too much personal information. For your own safety and protection, do…
Plus rien
Bonjour Nous sommes lundi je n'ai plus de classement dans mes activités et la semaine dernière je n'ai pas eu les bonbons jaunes vendredi Là je joue pour rien Mon pseudo jeu " kaisun " Même le gâteau de jeudi je l'ai terminé seul pourtant j'ai une équipe. Je ne comprends pas. Jouer sans but ça ne vaut pas le coup ! Plus de…
Made it to level 5000
I want my badge
Baking the cake
Did anyone else have a problem with the Cake not showing up today?
What happened to the flash version?
I like Candy Crush Soda Saga but what happened to it's flash version? I hope it wasn't just erased off the internet. I would like it if someone still had the files for it, since the current versions don't look too good and i wouldnt like to play old mobile versions with my internet off.