Teams in Soda
What happened? If I go from my phone to my tablet , I can't see my team, the race isn't there.......everything is different on my tab then my phone?? The lay out is also different now, oh and my profile in my team is an elderly lady and not my fb profile?! All of my King games are linked to my Facebook. I checked Google…
Stuck at Level 93 with "no chocolate" version
When I search for help on this level, I see a version with chocolate on multiple pages. There is no chocolate on this level in my version. I have completed every other level in within 3 tries. I have played this level continuously (as often as allowed) for 3 days, and I managed to get 14 out of 15 bears twice (and it still…
Candy town
I recently downloaded candy crush soda saga however I missed the first weekly challenges and my candy town still has not been created as I was playing without internet access. I have tried to create a candy town however there is no option. How do I get to make a candy town now?
level 1392
Hello I've been playing level 1392 for almost three hours , iwent online to see what I was doing wrong and found out it wasn't me it was you .The level I saw on line had 30 moves mine had twenty why the big difference in moves it's impossible to get this in twenty.
You LOSE all boosters when switching phones! Terrible decision from KING
I have been playing CC Soda Saga for several years and have saved up a bunch of boosters (both pregame and in-game). A couple of years ago, I had purchased a new phone and used Helium Backup to backup and restore my progress AND my boosters. However, today, as I am trying to move to a new phone, Helium is now BLOCKED from…
Help please!
Stuck on level 2800. Any suggestions?
Got my badge!!!
How To Complete Levels 1757 & 1758 With LESS MOVES And On FIRST TRY
Candy Crush SODA SAGA 1757 (Completed In 8 Moves) & 1758 | Both 3-Stars ⭐⭐⭐ | Both In ONE TRY Date Played & Recorded: September 13, 2020 @ 1:22 AM CDT Device & Version: Windows 10 Candy Crush SODA SAGA App Level Type: Chocolate Level Degree Of Difficulty: EASY BLOCKERS: Licorice Locks, White Chocolates, 2-Layered Candy Ice…
❤️ Mimi and Binbin ❤️ tell me about your favorite character you found in our lovely game? 🤔
🔸Mimi and Binbin (Mimi on the right and Binbin on the left) are minor characters in Candy Crush Soda Saga. They first appear in the 92nd episode, Nectar Nest. 🔸I found them in the game saying these beautiful words to each other about love❤️ ✨"We weren't always parrots, but we have been lovebirds." 🦜 ✨"Cocorico, I'll never…