to say hello
Hi ginny I am your cousin my name is adelynn I just saw your name and was like OMG that is my cousin I was like I have to say hello because I have not seen you in like years I miss you I love you if you get this please reply thank you love you love adelynn your cousin
Piggy bank
so my piggy bank claims that its full.. Which it was but i bought some perks with my gold and im at 37 now. However its claims its still full and its not.. Help?
Level 2013 tips
Anyone have tips to pass this level?
Hello king communit
Hola como estan? Queria saber como puedo recuperar mi progreso en Candy crush soda... por que me formatearon el cel y perdi todo y aparte empezar de vuelta es un embole. Desde ya muchas gracias... saludos atte.
Passing a level
I just passed a level then turned my phone off when I went to play again it was started at this same level. This happened on another level also. I’m frustrated because this level is annoying and just about impossible.
Purchases won't process
I can't make purchases for extra moves. All I get on screen is a revolving circle around an icon. Don't know what to do .
Need lives
I need lives
No internet connection: see here !!!
https://community.king.com/en/candy-crush-friends-saga/discussion/comment/521982#Comment_521982 Please who has problems with the internet connection. Please help under this link !!
Problem in Bubblegum Hill with Toffee's fair
A week ago, I was able to fulfill most of Mr. Toffee's fair quests through Bubblegum hill. However, I noticed during this week that any quest is no more reflected in Mr. Toffee when fulfilled through Bubblegum Hill. But, when I use normal levels, quests completed are reflected back to Mr. Toffee's quests. Any feedback or…
counter incorrect
when I buy hammers that come in 3s it only lets me use 2 or sometimes 1. I have paid for countless boosters, only to lose them. I also have paid for boosters never received. The "bank" freezes after accepting my payment...then shows I have no gold bars left, when I just got a confirmation that my payment was successful.…