Candy crush
Why are ALL OF MY color bombs exploding when there is nothing to make them explode????
Arco iris
Eu queria saber o pq mesmo tendo jogado 5 niveis sem perder,eu perdi todo a minha sequência arco iris,nao é justo o que a vossa equipa esta fazendo com os jogadores
I'm on level 929
I want to join a team and I love this game it's so relaxing and fun I'm unsure how many badges I have
Finishing "4 in a Row"
I like it better when I can play "win 4 in a row" by myself cuz I can complete them quicker...ya got people that "join in" then they don't back on for days…😡
Weird Scoring Before Update
Hello all, just wanted to know if anyone ever had strange scores? For example, my score for some reason didn't end with '0' and my star gauge would be filled to the top and I'd end up only getting 2 stars! Looking at all screenshots the last digit ended with a "9" and not a "0" I've updated the game and I think it's…
Weekly contest not working.
My weekly contest won't go up. I should be on 94 but won't go past 69. This is not fair I play every day and spend money for years. This is so wrong. Think time for new game. My cake chef hats haven't worked for months and in house purchases sometimes don't get up loaded. I'm done.
This discussion was created from comments split from: 🥤 Share Your Thoughts on the 4 in a Row Feature! 🥤.
Betr. verschwinden von Boostern
Liebe Leute, ich hatte jetyt für ca. 20 Level keine Booster.Statt der Booster waren von hier auf gleich nur Schlösser zu sehen . Ich habe alles angeschrieben und mein Problem geschildert. Überall wirde gesagt,das es Testlevel sind .Ich habe das nicht mehr geglaubt,und das Spiel beinahe gelöscht. Und siehe da....die Boister…
🦇🦇🦇 New feature - Treasure Hunt and Batula
Greetings Soda players! Get ready to meet your new adorable friend… Batula! 🦇🍬 You may remember Batula from before, but he has gotten a Sodalicious new update and is now back cuter than ever and ready to bring you some sweet Wonderballs! ⭐️ How does it work? Batula will approach you and let you know he wants to play a new…
Why are they standing like dolls?
This a nostalgia season.