How too start game over
Start from beginning
Grand trophy
I was just wondering how you get the grand trophy on your in game profile
Non posso giocare #2
Buonasera, questo è il terzo giorno che mi collego a soda e non mi dà la possibilità di giocare 🥺 La porta rossa è ancora chiusa, Domani inizio la finale, ma ho i miei dubbi che Possa partecipare se continua così.... ID 1009470361
Level 5000
I made it to level 5000 thanks love this game
Guide for levels +600 candy crush soda
Someone have tricks or a guide to pass easily the levels up 670?
Non posso giocare
Buonasera,sono oramai due giorni che apro il gioco e non mi dà la possibilità di giocare, anche la porta rossa è chiusa, appena clicco sopra mi dice di completare tutti i livelli, ma non ho più nulla da completare 🤔 Anche ad alcuni di voi è sorto questo problema?
Semi finals
Soda cup
Those was in the wee morning hours as I couldn't sleep. When I opened the game a couple hours ago, there was nothing on the Soda Cup anywhere as it had been in the "Activities" section since the game began. Does anyone have any idea what is going on with the challenge? Are we just waiting for the scores to be updated for…
Server problems
I am glad to say I was back playing around lunchtime today, it really shouldn't have taken so long, I have been playing for 10yrs and never been offline this long, I did stress it was the studio's problem not ours,but eventually we got connected Thank you
My levels are gone
I was struggeling with connection problems now i logged in and im level 1 my purschases and over 700 levels are simply gone what’s going on really ?