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I need friends please someone add me up😔
I hope all of you guys love the games a lot and of course me too. But just wanna know what is the best thing in the game for you?????????
Welcome to Soda World! Where players come to share their happiness when playing Candy Crush Soda Saga. Since we are all in lockdown and Easter just won't be the same this year, how about we post all Easter things here. You can do some Easter jokes, riddles, inspirational quotes, etc. Whatever you want to post will be…
Coronaviruses are a type of virus. How does the new coronavirus spread? As of now, researchers know that the new coronavirus is spread through droplets released into the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes. The droplets generally do not travel more than a few feet, and they fall to the ground (or onto surfaces)…
So much fun with this game😍
I WANNA PLAY!!!!!!😜😜😜
In this season of Isolation/Hibernation/Quarantining, I suggest a competitive week of playing with only say two boosters for a number of episodes.
This is not going to be a contest to win rewards, however, please feel free to solve it. The answer to this puzzle is attached but try to solve it without looking at the answers. Enjoy! Can you help Willie the Snake? He lost the numbers on his back. Can you help him get the numbers back? Let's practice using the Spoiler…
Hi everyone! The Community masterminds of @Elsa and @bearwithme have done it again. This time around, they're bringing a Soda Word Search to the Community! Try and find as many words as possible! 3 of the players finding the most words related to Candy Crush Soda will win 20 Gold Bars each! You have until the 28th of…
This is not going to be a contest to win rewards, however, please feel free to solve it. The answer to this puzzle is attached but try to solve it without looking at the answers. Enjoy! Look carefully at the jumbled words and try unscrambling as many words as you can. Let's practice using the Spoiler Box. Open a message…
Help us make the Community even Sweeter.