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Jäin tähän peliin vuosia sitten koukkuun ja olen siinä edelleen ja ikää 37 vee😁❤️
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hello po
Vcs gostam de fazer o que durante o dia ?
Meu nome e micaele e sou nova aqui
im new here and idk how to do the 5 comments can some one help me please
Please post.
New in here and still slightly confused with how things work. Would be grateful for any tips 😃
Hello candy crush friends. This is my first post. I have been trying to figure out how to post one for a year. Not as easy to follow the community contest and badges. I have missed out on a lot of badges because I couldn't figure out how to post. Still not sure how I just happened to stumble upon this spot. Hope everyone…
Hey candy guys how u doin ??
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