Max number of moves for all Bubblegum Hill levels
Have your developers ever thought that they could add a max number of moves for all 5 levels... if you get a max of 75 moves to move through all the levels you can benefit from being creative/lucky on some levels and have more for challenging levels. Also would encourage users to use the special items they may have to win…
Player chooses when to use boosters
When a player selects boosters BEFORE the game starts, the boosters are automatically placed all at once on the new board. Very frustrating. It would be great if the player could choose when the boosters are dropped and which to use. These pre-game boosters could simply be added to the booster row used during game play.
Win Time
I think we all like to relax a bit whilst playing. The 30 min daily bonus was reduced to 15.(Boo!) Instead of winning a lollipop or a stripey sweet a bit of time would be nice. Especially as we are looking at bad times ahead! Jelly was giving 2hrs just for fun and that really cheered me up. Please give us some free time…
Add the option to disable hints
The original candy crush has this option, it needs to be in soda too. nothing more annoying or distracting than keep seeing the hints
More then 5 lives , longer booster
Fix rainbow bottles dilemma
I have seen posts about rainbow streak differences. Make it where we all get 10 bottles and only lose 1 with a loss. Please and thank you
Making candy event
You need more events this game is boring with out them , you could make and event about gathering ingredients to bake candy earn rewards and fallow a recipe.
Power Ups (?)
Any left at the end of the level should be released. This could very well help you finish the level.
Shorten the time to refill lives
We should able to shorten the time it takes to refill lives if we don't have enough gold to get hearts . Examples Free videos Having the option to go back and play levels to earn hearts , a little menu to help choose which level or area to go to . Special levels just to earn hearts only , maybe a time limit with it or…
Power Ups
Offer many different ways to earn them.