Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English
*Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Our House Rule
Winterella is the team leader. Who else thinks the same about the leader of his team?
Our admin is really building a team. Constantly improves the composition. We already have many active players. The process of forming a dream team continues. Winterella, thanks. (using google translator)
How do I join a team?
I want to join my boyfriend’s team, but for some reason my app does not have the feature on my phone. But his phone has the feature to join a team and I don’t get why mine doesn’t especially since Im a higher level than he is on the game. The first photos is the game on my phone & the second photo is the game on his phone.…
Is there any way to kick a team member?
I get sick if waiting for team members to finish a tile. Sometimes the player doesn't play for a few days. I would have rather finished that tile myself, rather then start somewhere else on the board. Only being able to do 2 tiles in a day makes it even more frustrating.
Active Teams
It is hard to find good help these days. Who has a fully active team? What teams are the best at completing the challenges and giving away lives?
How many points does your team need to get the maximum prize?
How many points does your team need to get the maximum prize? I have experience in two teams. The goal is very different.
rejoin a team
How do I rejoin a race team?
Looking for Melody
This discussion was created from comments split from: 🎨 Season September: Color Splash!.