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  • Rock2233
    Rock2233 Posts: 6,047

    Great I play strongly

  • 4702191919
    4702191919 Posts: 0


    Hey I am Joshua

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    Hello and welcome to this community

    Just a well-intentioned advice from me: Please be careful with personal pictures on the Internet, especially what has to do with children. I would not put pictures on the Internet. You can still edit it yourself in the black gear above !!

  • Kimberly143
    Kimberly143 Posts: 11

    Level 2

    Hello everyone, I know I'm probably writing in the wrong spot I'm sorry for that, however that's the reason for my post. I'm new to ALL of this including FB 🤯 I know what everyone is thinking where have you been?? Happy to answer that , it's been a few rough years, would my dad here ( FL );from New York because developed dementia, I've been caring for him for the last 7 years , then my mother got brain cancer so I help her as much as I can then my daughter started having seizure's at the age of 23 and was diagnosed with epilepsy let's just say it's been stressful I am thankful current my family I'm not there still all with me. That being said is there anywhere for me to go 2 learn the lingo everyone is using on the community boards I feel like I'm in a foreign country and don't understand the language and I love the games it's the first time I've ever played and it's a wonderful escape😊 Thank you in advance for the advice or info . Heading back to Venus 🤪

  • Lola_Pop
    Lola_Pop Posts: 12,045

    Welcome to Planet Earth, @Kimberly143 - please don't return to Venus, stay with us! 😉

    I cannot imagine how challenging these last years must have been for you, and I hope we can make you smile and laugh and play a little bit here 🤗

    I will move your comment to somewhere more players will see it so you start meeting new friends easier. Also, I would suggest you please follow this link to learn how to navigate the Community. And of course, if you need assistance, don't hesitate to let us know!!

  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,926

    Hello @4702191919 and welcome to our Sodalicious King Community. I love your picture and your son is adorable, but I will echo what @Spinnifix has said above - this is an open forum with people from all over the world participating and even though the great majority are wonderful people - there is always the possibility that someone not so nice might be here, so it is probably best not to share pictures of children (especially young children). As you get to know people here in this great community - you can always send and share information of a more personal nature via a Private message. We always discourage players from sharing personal info (like email addresses or phone numbers) in the open forum.

    Anyway - I sincerely welcome you to the community and hope you enjoy your time here.

  • Dianitaaa
    Dianitaaa Posts: 1

    Level 1

    edited May 2020

    (Edit by CM: Unsupported Language) ♥️😄

  • Rock2233
    Rock2233 Posts: 6,047
    edited May 2020

    (Edit by CM: Unsupported Language)

  • Mssully
    Mssully Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Hi! I love this game. I once ran out of levels but you guys created way more. I'm on 3315 now.

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