I have a general question about the Egg Hunt Hill event. This is my first time participating in this version of Bubblegum Hill and I would like to know what the extra "Bonus" gift-box has inside it?
The first time I won the challenge I got 11 gold bars, when normally I'd have gotten 1 gold bar for the time I spent on the throne. The second time I won the challenge I received only 2 gold bars. What happened to the Bonus reward? Did the 11 gold bars carry over from the previous time I participated in Bubblegum Hill? If so, what was I suppose to receive from the Bonus box?
I realize now that the Bonus box in Egg Hunt Hill must not be any different than the bonus box we get from Bubblegum Hill (the bonus being the gold bars). Not sure why I assumed there would be a difference in the amount.