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New Feature: Soda Squad

Xarly Posts: 2,509
edited May 2019 in Discussions

Soda Squad is the fantastic new way to earn rewards in a team! This is how it works:

  • When Soda Squad is active in your game, you will be put in a group with four other players at random. You will have a goal for a number of points to collect.
  • Collect points as a group, within a set amount of time. You collect points by playing every day, passing levels and completing episodes. Each thing gives different points, but we will let you find out (and share with each other) how many points each thing gives.
  • As you hit milestones on the way to your points goal, you will unlock Treasure Chests of prizes before the final big prize!

  • You will be able to see how many points each team member has contributed, and you can also help each other out by sending lives to your teammates once every 24 hours.
  • If your team completes the challenge, congratulations on your awesome team work! You'll earn some tasty prizes, and together will be set a new challenge.
  • If your team doesn't complete the challenge in time, you will be automatically reassigned to a new group to re-attempt the challenge and win some juicy prizes! And if you were an active member during that time, we will make sure your next challenge teams you up with players that are as committed as you. 

And that sums it up! The Soda Squad is an extra way of getting new prizes, and we hope you find it as exciting as we do. If you still don't have this event, please be patient, it's just a matter of time until everyone out there can enjoy it.

If you have any feedback around the Soda Squad, please let us know below. We would love to read your opinion once you have played it :smile:.

And if you have any questions or concerns, please also comment below!



  • marscrushinit
    marscrushinit Posts: 2,536
    I like this idea and hope I get it soon 😁. Cant wait to try it out and give my feedback 
  • Yaz_Milani
    Yaz_Milani Posts: 204
    Why am I always the last one to get new stuff?! 
  • Sure hope I get this new feature to replace MTF. I really like the idea of active players getting placed together.
  • RegalRenz
    RegalRenz Posts: 8,495
    I had it for about a day then it disappeared.
  • Anne_Martin
    Anne_Martin Posts: 300
    edited May 2019
    I don't like the idea, not at all. 
    I, [...], do not want a team. 

    You know we do not want teams... why then?

    (Edited by CM: Off-topic and inciting opinions from others without evidence)
  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    Hello @Xarly

    This sounds just like the feature in Diamond Digger Saga game.  I have it from about past 2 months... so it was 4 challenges, and currently I am on the 5th one.....not one of my favorite features.  But the Boosters we receive after finishing the last task are the great ones!!  

    Sorry for being negative about this feature... but I am not sure how successful this would be!!  The problem with this feature --
    First of all, all the team members do not play and participate in the challenge;
    Out of 4 players, either 1 or 2 will play and hence, we cannot even finish the first task of collecting the minimum points -- with this the Challenge will be failed.

    This is what's happening in the "Toffee Fair" too!!  Out of 3 players' team, only 1 person will be doing the tasks and the other 2 players will be idle.  But, until we check a whole row/column, we will not receive a new board!!!  

    If ONLY "the Timer" is reversed....  Mr.Toffee has a time limit of 48 hours and this new challenge does not have a time limit!!! 

    Not to criticize.... but just sharing my thoughts 🙏🏻
  • LauraLMason
    LauraLMason Posts: 411
    I like to try new things but I hope it doesn't  have some of the silly limits that Mr Toffee has and awards better boosters. Right now I am stuck on a level and wouldn't be doing very well if it highly depended on advancing in the game! I guess we shall see.
  • Does anyone know if we can earn Fish, Coloring Candy or Color Bombs from this new feature? Ones that we can store in our inventory (not timed ones that start automatically) because I really miss earning them from the Quests.
  • Anne_Martin
    Anne_Martin Posts: 300
    in MTF, no one from my team plays. It gets to be just impossible to get a line as I have to do it alone. What makes you think the squad would be different? 
    The idea is even worse, Activision hopes that peer pressure will get people to buy boosters. Don't you realize that from what I see 1/3 of the payers use cheat engine? some players get through levels much too fast to do it without cheating...
    You penalize the honest player, the not-too-bad but not amazing. 
    I badly need some hammers and don't know how to get them. 
    From what I know, you get one point per level passed, and you need 400 or 500 points to have rewards. Wow! 

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    edited May 2019
    Hello @Anne_Martin,

    If it acts just as same as the one in Diamond Diggers, then --->
    **  1 point each for every day log-in -- but it is NOT between 12 am to 12 am though!!
    **  Points according to the stars we gain in a level -- 1 star - 1 point & 3 stars - 3 points;
    **  I think 3 or 5 points for finishing an episode (do not remember as it's been few weeks since I finished an episode);
    ** Give Lives to friends -- few points... not sure how many!!  That is how it works!! 

    So, @LauraLMason! your doubt was correct -- main contribution would be us winning the levels and gaining 3 stars -- again if it is just the same as the one in Diamond Diggers.  

    @LizzyLemondrop!  Yes, after finishing 1st and 2nd targets, we should receive some of our regular boosters -- and yes, NOT timed :+1::+1:  Only the Finish line gives great boosters.... for Soda, I am guessing Gold Bars would be one of the Grand Prizes!! 

    Let's see how it really works and what it rewards us once we have it =)=)

    Have a great rest of the weekend!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?