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Candy crush is borinnng !

Is it just me,or does anyone else find all candy crush games boring now ?
I only play while the 2 hour booster is active, usually at night. I used to play on 2 devices, now I only bother with one.
The levels are tediously difficult and it’s almost impossible to get a running streak going.
I absolutely refuse to pay for boosters, so very often have to wait two days to complete a level, once the most suitable daily booster comes around again.
Im currently stuck on level 2278, have spent two days waiting for the double fish, that should arrive in tomorrow’s daily booster.
Since Activision bought this franchise, it has become completely money driven. Excruciatingly hard levels,aren’t even categorised as hard.
Its a racket.

Anyone share my opinion ?


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,551
    Hi @Pickles123, welcome to our community.  Are you playing the Bubblegum Hill challenge every weekend to collect lollipops and gold bars?  What about Mr. Toffee's Fair where you can also win boosters?  I just made it into the 2000s so you are ahead of me. 

    I would like to take a moment to offer you a message for all newbies to learn more about our community which you can find here:

  • vasileiakx
    vasileiakx Posts: 1

    Level 1

    edited June 2019
    @Pickles123 i second your opinion. i'm on level 2724 and i tend to need at least 2 days (that is approximately 4 hours and numerous tries) to complete a level. even the so called "easy" levels, are not easy any more. i also refuse to pay for boosters, as the game is obviously profit driven and the support is completely automated (that is, there's no real support to a specific problem). i complained twice for not being able to control my mouse -no, my mouse works just fine with any other task on my pc- and they didn't even take the time to read my report OR my evaluation note for their support. i'm getting both annoyed and bored with this game and i will give it no more time than a month to play it (before my vacation starts)

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?