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If you could be a Soda Saga character for a day, who would you be and why?

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
edited July 2019 in Contests

Below please find some of the minor characters from Candy Crush Soda Saga.  In brackets are the episodes where they can be found.  In quotations, are the comments that they say in those episodes.  Let us know which Soda Saga character you would like to be for a day and please tell us why.

Camel (Coconut Cream Mirage).  “Cross the sugar desert by yourself? You don't even have whipped humps to sustain you! No one's ever crossed without extra sweets. You must be all sweetness inside.”

Flamingo (Disco Delish).  “This jam is the bomb! Move to the music baby! Shake your feathers, feel the groove!”

Good Witch (Candy Bear Village).  “Mind your step, sweetheart. The bears like to play on the bricks. Follow the road and you'll meet the one you need. Keep your sparkle up!”

Honey Dragon (Honey Garden) “Excuse my honey drool! I've been sampling all the wild candies outside of the factory! I hope the factory re-opens! I prefer the cakes our boss always ordered for us workers.”

King Semla (Castle of Semla).  “Nothing is better than a semla, not even being king! If you don't get whipped cream on your nose you're not doing it right!”

Lolly (Hidden Library). “Watch your step around the books, they might drag you in.  Once upon a time, there was a silly jelly fish and a very cheeky cat.”

Mama (Glitter Glade).  “All this soda has really done wonders for my roots! You get cotton candy, and you get cotton candy… Cotton candy for everyone!”

Miss Tutu (Marshmallow Matinée).  “Move softly, like the marshmallow! Be bubbly like soda, swirl like cotton candy!”

Monkling (Bubbly Backstreet).  “I sing, I act, I clean.. Nothing I can't do really! Did you see me in Candy Knight? I swear it was my tail in the fight scene!”

Ms. Sugar Snout (Dango Garden).  “You. Are. ADORABLE! And the trees are adorable, everything is ADORABLE! Don't forget to try the tea, it's almost as sweet as you.”

Professor Bubbles (Frosting Forest).  “In all my years as a Soda Professor, I've never tasted such high levels of sugar! Something must have gone deliciously wrong at the Candy Factory!”

Raccoon (Gallery Glaze).  “I will become the best artist in the world! Oui, Kimmy! I've painted everyone in the Kingdom, recognize someone?”

String Dragon (Caramel Cream Clouds).  “Watch your step, dear. I'm creating the perfect nest for my beautiful eggs. They're hatching, my lovely babies. Thank you for helping me fluff the clouds.”

Stud (Rosy Raspberry Lake). “You there! Tell me, is my mane more sparkly than this lake? A rose named after me would definitely smell sweeter.”


Please note that we are currently running a Knock, Knock joke contest here.

Get your "character of the day" image created and you can use it as an entry into the contest.

All that you have to do is to tell us who your favorite character is here

and then send me a private message and I will send you your character saying "Knock, knock!"


And that's it for today! 

Since I have completed my fun, it is now your turn to have fun! 

Please choose which character you would like to be for a day and then say why you chose that character.

I really look forward to your responses.

If you enjoy the characters in this game, you might want to visit @Ashraf's fun message "let us share sweet screenshots of the soda world" here.


  • Ashraf
    Ashraf Posts: 9,020

    Flamingo (Disco Delish)

    why ?! :neutral:

    to have some fun...  dancing in the disco
    and I will use my hair as a color bomb

  • Ashraf
    Ashraf Posts: 9,020
    edited July 2019

    :waving:it is Party Time :waving:

  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,929
    I would be the good witch - it combines two of my favorite things - The Wizard of Oz and Bears of course!  I was always a fan of Glinda and I could wave my magic candy wand around and spread joy and candy all around!  😊😃🐨

    Come check out this new thread - who would you be - @marscrushinit @Yosca @Yaz_Milani @Bricorn @candysodacrusher @LauraLMason @Foley1362
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    @bearwithme, so that is why you like Soda so much!  It's all the bears!  I have to think about my answer because I guess it's all going to be about how we interpret the characters.
  • Yaz_Milani
    Yaz_Milani Posts: 204
    @bearwithme thanks for the mention. I think I like Lolly because her character resonates with my love for books. 
    She tells a story of a fish... that’s also my favourite booster 🥰
  • Crimson_Dawn
    Crimson_Dawn Posts: 2,741
    I would go with Honey Dragon. He gets to sample all the candies!😂
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    I think I'd like to be the good witch for a day.  Why?  Because then I can wave my magic wand over all the players games to get rid of the glitches and maybe even move them up 5 levels as a treat!  Now how does that sound?
  • Crimson_Dawn
    Crimson_Dawn Posts: 2,741
    Sounds great, @Elsa! Can you go ahead and start now?!😂
  • firebombmarkus
    firebombmarkus Posts: 13,104
    I think I would probably like to be librarian Lolly because she is all into books 😊
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    edited July 2019
    Hey guys, we have a new contest going on in the Soda community and anyone that responds here with what character they would like to be for the day, I will give them their character to enter the knock knock contest.

    The knock knock joke contest is here.

    So @Ashraf, here is yours!

    @Yaz_Milani below is yours!

    Of course, these will be duplicated because you have to choose one of these characters.  So go look for a knock, knock joke, add your image from here and then go enter the contest there.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?