Need a Helping Hand? 💭
Got a game question or need help? This is the place to ask!
Alguma equipe querendo um membro ?
Jogo todos os dias ...
Olá a todos !!
Estou precisando de uma equipe !!
Preciso de uma equipe..
Jogo todos os dias...
Estou no nível 3868 ...
Greetings @zanni , and welcome to the King Community Forum!
We are glad to see you here and many are here to help! 🤝 We only use English in this community as it is the vehicular language, everyone will be able to understand each other. Some of us use a Translator and copy and paste to post our message in English. This is a popular translator link - Just tap/click Google Translate to translate and help you post your comments in English
Thank you for understanding
Hello, I would like to join an active team. I am at level 711 and play several times a day. King.com is where I usually play but use Facebook also.
Thank you!
Zanni, Mookie2, and Yeti
Team Octopus is searching for members, join us, we play every day :)
team code 500434042
Could you explain how/where I put the team code please?
For those that ask how to join a team. Please read up on this thread.
Looking for a few new members to join our very active team. We never miss completing all three chests and typically can bake both cakes in less than a day. The more helpers, the merrier!
Team name: Red Velvet
Team Number: 707921787
Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand