Time to check out the group
Kimmy scrolls down to see who belongs to this group. She scrolls back to the top and decides that she would like to post an introduction message.
After sending off the message and reading a few that others have posted, she decides to try that level one more time. No luck! Jelly Queen has won again. It’s time to make lunch so she puts the phone down and walks into the kitchen. No fishies, she exclaims. She was at the store the other day and she thought that she had bought more but where are they? Maybe she didn’t buy enough to last for a week. She will just have a banana to tide her over until dinner. Maybe she needs to go back to the store to get more fishies because she remembers that she needs a couple of other things that she didn’t buy the other day.
Let's continue with the next part of our story – Kimmy makes friends
Start at the beginning – Love across the miles