🥤Create a way for former Soda Team members to re-join their old Team please!🥤

I had recently joined the Superstars Soda Team, when I was accidentally kicked from the team 😱 I was not recognized because my name appeared under my real name instead of my user name (LizzyLemondrop). @Xarly personally contacted me and let me know of the mistake and tried to have me re-apply for the team. Unfortunately, when I tried to re-apply it said members who were kicked or left a team could not re-join. This seems like a really big oversight, because players could be removed by mistake (like what happened to me) or someone could want to re-join a now active team that was previously in-active. I propose that there should be a way for former members of a Soda Team to re-join their old team. Either remove this restriction that does not allow members to re-join a team, OR allow Team mates or the Team Leader to re-invite old members through an invitation. I would greatly appreciate any support from my fellow players 😊
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