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(FINISHED) 🐰 Juicy Spring contest! Find our hidden eggs and win Gold Bars



  • LadyRaffie
    LadyRaffie Posts: 4,124

    Hello everyone!

    @Lola_Pop seems we hide them pretty well 😎

    I can promise you all 7 eggs are hidden, Nor less no more 😋

    @Redbonebeauty1 that would be fun and interesting! And i dont' see that going agains the rules 😏

    Have a Sodalicious and fun Wednesday 🤗

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,207

    Oh! No thanks! @Lola_Pop 😁

    Because I am very busy to help players on King Community and do my work and house! 😅

    But I think it's very cool fun! And don't worry! I will tagging Candy Crush Soda Players who have playing this game if I remember/guess :

    @Werner_Cichy, @Lynette, @BeckyBubblegum, @RobinCorte, @Elsa, @Sukanta_Biswas, @caambuj, @candycrushinit, @Ashraf, @Spinnifix, @SagaR, and other players! 👋

    Can you find all of the Easter eggs on Candy Crush Soda Community? 🤔

    Good luck for searching! Sodalicious! 👍

  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    Found them!!!

    Welcome to our Idea Section! (read before posting)

    Sodaliciously Hot now 🌶

    Don't be shy and say Hi!

    Open questions and feedback

    We are searching for Soda & Community Experts! Do you have what it takes?

    What is the latest level in Candy Crush Soda?

    Welcome to the Soda Community!

  • Sukanta_Biswas
    Sukanta_Biswas Posts: 24,928

    Thank you @Lim ❤️

    I'm going to find them now.😁

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,207

    And also tagging you when I remember now : @MightyWolf, @sarma_palash123, @doops330, @bearwithme, @Crimson_Dawn, @PummyRaj and @BQN537 👋

    Can you find all of the Easter Eggs on Candy Crush Soda Community? 🤔

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429
    edited April 2020

    Thanks dear Lim for the marking!

    You are always very fast. How do you do that you always get this information immediately? Am thrilled and it helps me. When I get notified. Since it doesn't always work !!!

    1. Blue egg with zigzag - Open questions and feedback

    2. green egg with stripes - we are looking for soda experts: you have what it takes!

    3. Large golden egg with stripes - ideas area

    4. Orange egg with red dots, purple and red stripes

    5. red egg - sodaliciuously! Hot now

    6. Purple with yellow egg stripes - what's the newest level in candy soda

    7. Blue egg with yellow dots and orange dots - welcome to the soda community

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,547
    edited April 2020

    Here is my answer!

    Orange egg - Don't be shy and say Hi!

    Blue egg - Open questions and feedback

    Purple/blueish egg with orange dots - Welcome to the Soda Community!

    Green egg - We are searching for Soda & Community Experts! Do you have what it takes?

    Yellow egg - Welcome to our Idea Section! (read before posting)

    Redish egg - Sodaliciously Hot now 🌶

    Pink and yellow egg - What is the latest level in Candy Crush Soda?


  • firebombmarkus
    firebombmarkus Posts: 13,104

    Those eggs got some legs lol

    Purple egg - Welcome to the Soda Community

    Yellow egg - Welcome to our Idea Section!

    Pink/yellow egg - What is the latest level in Candy Crush Soda

    Red egg - Sodaliciously hot now

    Green egg - We are searching for Soda & Community Experts! Do you have what it takes?

    Blue egg - Open questions and feedback

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    Easter joke:

    The sad thing about Easter is that there are still people without eggs afterwards.

  • doops330
    doops330 Posts: 9

    Level 2

    Found the eggs.

    Sodaliciously hot now - Reddish

    Welcome to our idea section! (Read before posting) - Yellow

    Do you have what it takes (We are searching for soda and community experts) - Green

    Don’t be shy say Hi - Orange

    Welcome to the soda community - Purple/Bluish w/Orange Dots

    Open ?’s and feedback - blue

    What is the latest level in Candy Crush Soda - Pink & Yellow

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?