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Scopefox Posts: 1

Level 1

edited September 2020 in Kimmy's Idea Box

I’ve lost my daily bonus as have others lost it as well. What are ye doing about this. I was put back to day one other day after months of logging in and again today. So here’s a idea fix the problem and return us all to what we lost.

7 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    Hello and welcome

    This is not an idea.

    Please report any problems in the game in the support area. There the problems are tried to solve.


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,531

    Thanks for tagging me @Spinnifix! Welcome to our community @Scopefox! I hear your frustration and can empathize with you; however, your message is not what the Ideas area is about. You have to post a detailed idea to improve the game in this area. You would be much better off posting your thoughts in the Soda support area here. I will be closing this idea but before I do so, I want to tell you that these daily rewards are on a timer and they can reset at any time. I play on desktop and mobile and they both reset back to day 1 again. You will start collecting double rewards on day 7. The studio cannot take you back to the day where it ended. Sorry about that.

This discussion has been closed.

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