Get your Level 1000 badge and wear it with pride!! 🥇
Hi! Yes I'm a new bee. I am very new and trying to navigate my way around. I apologize if you do see duplicate posts and ask for a liittle patience please. 🙃 I'm not sure if it's my tablet or my fingers but have been going eveywhere but here for the last couple of hours and I'm pretty sure it's my fingers and would like to have my tablet take the blame. 😜
Just a little side note: I was born and raised in Hawaii and now reside in California. I really try to play my Candy Crush Soda as often as I can because I "think" it helps my ADHD as that is what I believe but my husband doesn't think so. He just thinks I have an addiction and does not want to do housework. I'lll leave it up to you to believe who is right. LSMH
So do I get one badge or two since I'm at level 2065? wink wink
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please see my screenshot and I would love a level 1000 badge!
thank you
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Hi, When will I get my badge?
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Tagging my fellow Game Experts of Soda @LizzyLemondrop and @BeckyBubblegum . Share your screenshot so you can have the Soda badge too 🤗.
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Very cool!
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Hello @Lola_Pop
Indeed, I have proudly passed level 1000. Can't wait to get my level 2000 badge soon 🤗
Tagging my best buddy @Sofia1992 to come claim this sodalicious badge!