Mr. Toffee’s Fair Hammer
Level 1
Sometimes players start a task in Toffee’s Fair and disappears. Some gone for days, others FOREVER! We’ve all been guilty of this but eventually it dawns on most of us that we are holding up others’ progress. It can get very annoying when this happens to you. I try to make sure i have finished my task or i stop it task before retiring my game. I don’t want to impede your game. However, none of us are perfect. We get in a rush, forget, or your sisters pet pig swallows your cell phone. The hammer, like your new sucker pieces, could be collected in every 20-40 levels of progress. When we are on a roll and really could use our awards but sally sideways is distracted again, we get to whack her absent minded butt over the head and complete that tile for the group. If you manage to save up 3-7 hammers our team gets a super sucker each or some little lame prize (but we really want a super sucker). Anyway it’s just a thought to save some of us novice players a little aggravation. The game is enough to make you wanna pull your hair out, especially when you run out of plays or time. The last thing we need is lazy Larry sleeping on the job.
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