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Move rush

Can some one explain how to play the feather that came today Move Rush Please

thank you


  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    Hello @renamifsud2 Nice you see the new feature. I think it’s still in a testing phase but I have this information for you:

    How does it work?

    A pre-game pop up will appear before the start of the level


    Here, you will be able then to select a combo of different boosters (3 to 5) depending on which ones you want to play with. 

    By that, you will charge your Move rush power bar into a Mini or Ultimate Rush that you will be able to use for unlimited moves during a certain period of time in that level. 

    There are two types of Move Rush combos: 

    • Mini Rush: a combo of 3 boosters that will give you unlimited moves for a short period of time  
    • Ultimate Rush: a combo of 5 boosters that will give you unlimited moves for a longer time than the Mini Rush

    Once selected your “ammo” you will be taken to the level screen where you will see a hanging pendulum with the infinitive sign on top of it.

     👉You can trigger your Move Rush any time during your gameplay by simply clicking on it. 

    Once you trigger your Move Rush you will have to activate it by confirming in the “Yes” button and a bar will appear with the time remaining to use it 

    Did you press it by mistake? No worries! 

    You can always back out if you wish by clicking in the X you will find at the top right of pop up screen BEFORE clicking the Yes button


    • After clicking on the confirmation “Yes” button to activate it you can’t back out. 
    • Only after confirming the activation of your Move Rush, the countdown for the unlimited moves will start. 
    • If you passed the level without using your Move Rush you will get an extra score on that level but you won’t get the boosters back

    I hope you enjoy this 😊

  • renamifsud2
    renamifsud2 Posts: 231
    edited July 2020


    and no boosters awarded

    but if I understood it you can activate the pendulum just before you are sure to win the level as it only gives you 9 seconds and surely you can t do a level in just 9 seconds

  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    Unfortunately, I don't have the Move Rush, so I can't tell you my experiences. This is the explanation I've seen about it, and that's what I can tell you. Sorry 😔

  • renamifsud2
    renamifsud2 Posts: 231

    Thank you so much for your help

  • renamifsud2
    renamifsud2 Posts: 231

    This is how it works

    you need to use three boosters and get 9 seconds of extra moves play

    Or 5 boosters and you get 15 seconds of extra moves when you press the pendulum

    obviously you use it if you think you will win the level you are playing

    if you don’t press the pendulum you will get

    extra score of 100 000 with three boosters

    extra score of 250 000 with five boosters

    you think that is worth it


    see how much boosters you need in order to achieve it

    in my opinion leave it

    not worth it

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