Need a Helping Hand? 💭
Got a game question or need help? This is the place to ask!
Level 1
I pay alot of money into soda crush and candy crush as well, how on level one of arcade 50 fish get 49 points but if Im on anything past 5 it doesn't, *Edited by CM: offensive*
Try to play like champion 🏆
Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑
You can click on "Contact Us" on bottom of the page then select "Problems with my game" and then "Special Event Problem" and finally you ask a problem and send Game ID (How to find your Game ID) that I hope they will help you but it taken longer.
If you want to win gold bars on this game, you can click here to join and answer on this game's contests that you can chance to win gold bars. 😊
Have a sodalicious day! 🥤
@Killah508 Hi and welcome, Please check for a game update and then log out and restart your device and log back in and see if this resolves your issue. Also if playing via an internet browser also clear the cache
If this does not resolve your issue follow the guide supplied above
Hope this helps