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Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑
You can post your screenshot on that thread that Community Team will give you sweet badge :
🍩 Beat KingChewy! More Gold bars here //🤗 New member? Don't be shy- say hi here !
🎂 Celebrate Soda's 6th Anniversary here! // The Studio on the new Kimmy! New info here!
🔥 Hot right Now! 🌶
Congratulations @Sugarbelle98 post the same screenshot on the link below and the badge will be added to your profile. Also note since its a weekend so you'l have to wait for a weekday to receive it!
And I’ve included a screenshot of my team list which features the members who baked a slice of cake for further proof. Thanks!
Bonjour, je n'ai pastrouvé le gateau, j'ai pourtant participer (et j'ai une équipe)
I love these challenges!
Hi @LadyRaffie
Only myself and one other person participated unfortunately 😥
Happy 6th anniversary!!