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πŸ‚ ⛄️ Winter Games Win Gold Bars with the 1st Competition! (ENDED)



  • Hi Supersonic Auroras - @Anahita_2005 @frenioz00 @DeepshikhaSharan / SpokesPerson,

    Would be helpful @DeepshikhaSharan if you would tell me what exactly is missing? *Page 63 that you are quoting from, has your team & scores listed.

    Remember, @DieOmimi did the *MS Excel Charts on this page. Think she did a very good job on it.

    I await your reply, with details please.

    Cyas Origins7 Dale, πŸ˜€


  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879
    edited December 2020

    OK @Origins7_Dale @ipete @Marriam1 and everyone who is participating. My first thought was also that this competition lasts 15 days from 16th Dec. - 30th Dec. But according to the rule element on the first page it is 14 days:

    β€œEvery player can post max. 1 screenshot a day ( from 1pm CET to 1pm the following day CET)”

    So if you count from December 16th 1 pm CET to December 17th 1 pm CET is Day 1 right? If you continue to count in this way, you will end up with 14 days! Right now it is still Day 12 9.29 am CET!

    So @Origins7_Dale we better not skip a day if we want to go for the 20,000,000. 🧐

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0


    Thank you, @Yosca i could not sleep! I keep counting 14 days over and over and over again in my head. Thank you! Now sleep.

  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551
    edited December 2020

    Hi @Yosca @ipete @Marriam1,

    Well here in USA, it is the 28th, so now 2 days left. But my confusion is with *13:00 CET!

    If it is military time, it means 1pm. Think it means 1pm in CET also? Here is the problem in not using "AM" or "PM". Been telling the "Saga" CM's this for some time now. No way for those of us who don't use the 4 digit reference to time, or a 24 Hour Clock Time Format, or live in "Europe" to know, what time you are referring to.

    • Winter Soda Games Team Goal - *20 Million Points - By Dec. 30th, 2020 - 13:00 CET!

    So since my time is (PST) or (PT) in the USA, & this CET is 9 hours ahead of me. Then what is 13:00 CET?

    Just want to confirm things here.

    Thx Origins7 Dale, πŸ˜€


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5

    Level 2

    edited December 2020

    I think you're right @Yosca. Should be 2 days.

  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879
    edited December 2020

    Hey @Origins7_Dale Here in Europe we have the CET time and we don’t use am or pm. We have a 24 hours time. So a new day starts at 0.00 midnight and it continues until 0.00 next day. So 13.00 in CET means 1 pm. We also don’t say CET.. Hope it makes some sense for you πŸ˜… It is here Monday December 28 10.10 hours (10.10 am)

    Thanks @Marriam1 😁

  • bekicrusher
    bekicrusher Posts: 1,454

    Maybe we'll figure it out πŸ™ˆπŸ˜‚

  • siti_payung
    siti_payung Posts: 13,089
    edited December 2020

    I think 30th we can post if before 13 CET or perhaps 1PM

    So we can play for 15 days.

    Hope someone clear this issue for me.

  • Hi @Yosca,

    Funny, but clears things up a bit. You don't use "AM" or "PM", or say CET.

    See your reference, 0.00 "Midnight" is the reference point you use.

    What if it is really "Foggy" dark outside, how would you know, what time it is, meaning "AM" or "PM",

    since you don't use it? (hehe)

    Hope I made my point. You might not use it, but we do in the USA. Helps to clear things up. Day Time or Night Time, more popular usage.

    Well, need to go to store.

    Be sure to see my *Page 64 post on:

    • *317,424 Per Teammate - 3 Days
    • *476,136 Per Teammate - 2 Days

    Cyas Origins7 Dale, πŸ˜€


This discussion has been closed.

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