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Don't like at all chocolate BGH

raslisa Posts: 4 Newbie
edited December 2020 in Discussions

I used to get great BGH screens, now every time I get it (much less frequently), all the screens are chocolate, which I absolutely HATE! seriously thinking of giving up CCS...


  • Pitty_Kitty
    Pitty_Kitty Posts: 13,008 Soda Moderator

    Hi @raslisa welcome to Soda community

    I'm not a big fan of chocolate levels either πŸ˜…. But some days ago I received a BGH version that had no chocolate, just biscuits as blockers. So hopefully the studio will keep adding some diversity in the event ;)

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,287 Sweet Legend

    Hello and welcome to our beautiful community

    For level 5 I had to take an extra booster, otherwise I wouldn't have made it. But there are not always 5 levels with chocolate. It also changes.

    Please be patient, as the 5 levels can always change !!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?