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What is the difference between the two candy

What is the difference between the color bomb to the other one the orange in this picture (in the frame).


  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    Hello @Tzvi_Marcu

    If you use the color bomb together with a striped or wrapped candy or a fish, all candies of that same color will transfer in it.

    If you use the coloring ball (the orange ball in your screenshot) it will transfer all the orange candies and the color of the special candy you chose, in orange. For example if you swipe it with a yellow fish, all yellow and orange candies transfer in orange fish.

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  • Tzvi_Marcu
    Tzvi_Marcu Posts: 2,593

    @Yosca Thanks for the reply specialy the Help page of Soda

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