FINISHED: Win Gold Bars - 🔍 How Well You Know Candy Crush Soda!
Hello @april1967 - we have various contests in the different game areas where if you follow the rules of the contest and post your answer (not just saying Hi), you have a chance to win some gold bars or sometimes some boosters and/or a badge. So you can sometimes find links to the contests where you would click on the word "HERE" and it should take you to the contest and then all you need to do is ready the contest rules, and enter for a chance to win. Most winners are randomly chosen but sometimes winners are chosen because they matched a specific game level score or came closest to it. etc.
Each contest states when the contest will end and then the winners will be announced. Players need to remember to check back after a contest has ended to see if they won, because we will need the Player ID#s of the winners so they can be awarded the prize in their game.
For example - this contest ends at 1600 CET tomorrow, 1 Feb 21 and the winners will be announced shortly after that time.
So good luck everyone, there are still a few hours left to participate in this contest. 👍😊