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King and I

Bricorn Posts: 518 Level 4

I've been enjoying this game for years, not sure how many, but I remember checking and there were 470 (ish) levels when I started, 6,460 today.

Lately though, not so much;

Constant "can't connect to server" issues. Some of which are plain lies. I.e. try to pick a tile on Mr Toffee, "can't connect to server", come out, go back in, and a teammate has picked that tile. Fair enough, he got there first, but why say "can't connect to server" and not "a teammate had picked this tile, try another".

Servers again; not updating - do something (like, complete a tile on Mr Toffee) on PC, later, pick up my phone and the tile isn't shown as being completed. OK, for this one, clearing my phone cache and restarting the game often fixes this, but we shouldn't have to do that.

Events randomly appearing on different days of the week and at different times. Some of us plan things around these "Oh, BGH starts on Mondays at 23:00, so I'll be ready to play then", only it doesn't happen.

Events changing mid-event. Mr Toffee; we had basic communication with the other players, then we didn't.

Events ending early. This week BGH started late and finished early. I got up early today to try and earn some boosters before it ended at mid-day, and there it wasn't.

Useful features being removed, or changed so that they're less useful. The Supersonic Lolly for example.

Being stuck into teams with random people who, Soda Squad excepting, you can't even communicate with.

Lack of information or warning on - well - everything really. This forum is great, but we shouldn't have to come here and ask or search for information on changes, it should be given to us in the game as a matter of course.

All this is very unprofessional, I know that change needs to happen to keep the game fresh, but what's been happening lately seems, if not actually designed to annoy players, then poorly thought out.

I feel like I'm playing against King, not the game.

Opinions anyone?


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