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No bubblegum hill

ktbui84 Posts: 25

Level 3

I haven’t had anything to play the past 2 weeks , this game is super disappointing , the only good thing is I don’t spend anymore money on gold bars cause I have nothing to play . Might as well delete this game no bubble gum hill , no arcade , no bear brawl NOTHING .


  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    I am sorry to hear you don’t have any event in your game @ktbui84 . Do you have the latest update from the game and enough free memory storage on your device? King recommends at least 2 GB

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0


    I hear you, those mini games/features are more fun than playing levels for me. Without those this game is boring. Keep trying logout, clear cache often. Hopefully someday they will return.

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