"Fishy" Fishing Contest

Level 3
While I generally applaud the side contests and puzzles in Soda Saga (my team is really into cake baking!), the latest Kimmy fishing contest seems to make little sense. The rankings I am seeing have me in first place with 248, another player in second with 63, and a gaggle of others tied for third with zero (!). With all the thousands of players who are playing the game, this seems impossible. There must be many more people with scores higher than mine (which represents only a few hours of play) and clearly more than two people who have passed a level generating fish, especially considering how easy it is to make them.
If we are divided into groups to compete for the prizes (which is unspecified), what criteria are used to compose the groups? Is it simply random like the Weekly Contest and Mr. Toffee's Fair seem to be? If so, I must be rather lucky to be in a group with so few people actively playing. I seem to face the opposite problem in the Weekly Contests, where I seem to find myself in groups with low-level players who can pile up huge advances on those easier low number levels (I remember when advancing 50+ levels in an afternoon was possible). I'm not really complaining about this since I expected the game to get tougher as I advanced (it really got much harder after level 3600) but the contest structure does seem rather arbitrary. Would you consider putting people of similar levels together in these contests? That might make them more equitable.
Catowner Peter
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