Don't be Shy and introduce yourself!
om uit Nederland en heet Ton
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From WV! Level 24?? I wish there were more opportunities for loves and prizes. I've spent a good bit on the game, yet get very little rewards or perks if you will when I'm broke as a joke. Just a thought.
I love the game!
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Ik kom uit belgie
Ik ga deze nu is proberen speelde hier voor de normale candy crush
Hobbys candy crush en gokkeb
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Hi all. I've been playing Candy Crush Soda for quite a while now and I've just discovered that if you right hand click on the pictures of the players in your group or those you're playing against you can send them a life - and you can do that once a minute thus giving them much more time to play. Also there seem to be 2 versions of the game, one bubble gum and one unicorn (with all the extras). If you get the bubble gum game, just close it down ("x" out) and keep reopening it, somewhere along the line you'll get the unicorn version. Happy playing folks.
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Hello, Gerald
My name is Maya Gantt.
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Me too!
Candy Crush Rocks!!
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Me 2!
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I am n Phoenix Arizona
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Hey y’all add me n send me some lives
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